- $43,600 charitable
- 16 tickets to Harvest Ball
- Prominent listing in print and digital program book
- Prominent listing in electronic communications
- Logo on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall (approximately 33,000 pageviews)
- Social media mention (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram)
- Featured Supporter Pop-Up
- Supporter Spotlight
- Digital ad on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall
- Verbal recognition and logo in thank you video
- Meet-and-Greet with members of Jefferson Einstein’s C-Suite
- Logo displayed prominently on signage in Jefferson Einstein Hospital, Jefferson Einstein Montgomery Hospital, and Jefferson Moss-Magee Rehabilitation for one month
- Customized volunteer opportunities for your staff with community service programming; health and wellness events; the Friends of Einstein; Adopt-a-Patient
Sponsorship opportunities can be viewed below. Please download our sponsorship form to print and mail to us with your payment at:
Jefferson Einstein Hospital
Office of Institutional Advancement
Braemer Education Building
5501 Old York Road
Philadelphia, PA 19141
For more information, please contact Ariel Belli at ariel.belli@jefferson.edu or 215-456-7220.
Sponsorship Levels
Presenting Sponsor – $50,000
Champion Sponsor – $25,000
- $20,200 charitable
- 12 tickets to Harvest Ball
- Listing in print and digital program book
- Listing in electronic communications
- Logo on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall (approximately 33,000 pageviews)
- Social media mention (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram)
- Featured Supporter Pop-Up
- Supporter Spotlight
- Digital ad on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall
- Verbal recognition and logo in thank you video
- Meet-and-Greet with members of Jefferson Einstein’s C-Suite
- Logo displayed prominently on signage in Jefferson Einstein Hospital, Jefferson Einstein Montgomery Hospital, and Jefferson Moss-Magee Rehabilitation for one month
- Customized volunteer opportunities for your staff with community service programming; health and wellness events; the Friends of Einstein; Adopt-a-Patient
Benefactor Sponsor – $15,000
- $11,000 charitable
- 10 tickets to Harvest Ball
- Listing in print and digital program book
- Listing in electronic communications
- Logo on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall (approximately 33,000 pageviews)
- Social media mention (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram)
- Featured Supporter Pop-Up
- Digital ad on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall
- Verbal recognition and logo in thank you video
- Logo displayed prominently on signage in Jefferson Einstein Hospital, Jefferson Einstein Montgomery Hospital, and Jefferson Moss-Magee Rehabilitation for one month
- Customized volunteer opportunities for your staff with community service programming; health and wellness events; the Friends of Einstein; Adopt-a-Patient
Innovator Sponsor – $10,000
- $6,800 charitable
- 8 tickets to Harvest Ball
- Listing in print and digital program book
- Listing in electronic communications
- Logo on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall (approximately 33,000 pageviews)
- Social media mention (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram)
- Featured Supporter Pop-Up
- Digital ad on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall
- Verbal recognition and logo in thank you video
- Logo displayed prominently on signage in Jefferson Einstein Hospital, Jefferson Einstein Montgomery Hospital, and Jefferson Moss-Magee Rehabilitation for one month
- Customized volunteer opportunities for your staff with community service programming; health and wellness events; the Friends of Einstein; Adopt-a-Patient
Platinum Sponsor – $6,000
- $4,400 charitable
- 4 tickets to Harvest Ball
- Listing in electronic communications
- Listing on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall (approximately 33,000 pageviews)
- Digital ad on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall
- Logo in thank you video
- Listing displayed prominently on signage in Jefferson Einstein Hospital, Jefferson Einstein Montgomery Hospital, and Jefferson Moss-Magee Rehabilitation for one month
- Customized volunteer opportunities for your staff with community service programming; health and wellness events; the Friends of Einstein; Adopt-a-Patient
Gold Sponsor – $3,000
- $2,200 charitable
- 2 tickets to Harvest Ball
- Listing on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall (approximately 33,000 pageviews)
- Digital ad on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall
- Listing in thank you video
- Listing displayed prominently on signage in Jefferson Einstein Hospital, Jefferson Einstein Montgomery Hospital, and Jefferson Moss-Magee Rehabilitation for one month
- Customized volunteer opportunities for your staff with community service programming; health and wellness events; the Friends of Einstein; Adopt-a-Patient
Silver Sponsor – $1,500
- Fully charitable
- Does not include tickets to Harvest Ball
- Listing on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall (approximately 33,000 pageviews)
- Digital ad on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall
- Listing in thank you video
- Listing displayed prominently on signage in Jefferson Einstein Hospital, Jefferson Einstein Montgomery Hospital, and Jefferson Moss-Magee Rehabilitation for one month
- Customized volunteer opportunities for your staff with community service programming; health and wellness events; the Friends of Einstein; Adopt-a-Patient
Bronze Sponsor – $500
- Fully charitable
- Does not include tickets to Harvest Ball
- Listing on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall (approximately 33,000 pageviews)
- Digital ad on Jefferson.edu/HarvestBall
- Listing in thank you video
- Listing displayed prominently on signage in Jefferson Einstein Hospital, Jefferson Einstein Montgomery Hospital, and Jefferson Moss-Magee Rehabilitation for one month
- Customized volunteer opportunities for your staff with community service programming; health and wellness events; the Friends of Einstein; Adopt-a-Patient