Support the Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery
Make a Gift
The Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery alumni contribution will support cutting-edge research and educational initiatives through our established funds which align with our core values of collaboration, education, and innovation.
The Collaboration, Education, and Innovation Funds serve as pillars for empowering our talented faculty and trainees and supporting their academic work. Each fund directly finances our recently introduced departmental grants. These grants allow our faculty, residents, and fellows to delve deeper into their research endeavors, thus driving healthcare advancement and positioning them for external funding in the future.
About the Collaboration, Education, and Innovation Funds
Collaboration Fund
The Collaboration Fund promotes our departmental values of diversity, inclusion, and prioritization of team over self, and supports initiatives that engage multiple disciplines or groups of individuals across multiple departments or institutions.
Education Fund
The Education Fund promotes our departmental values of professionalism, mentorship, and continual learning, and supports initiatives that expand our educational model and/or advance professional development.
Innovation Fund
The Innovation Fund promotes our departmental values of discovery, curiosity, and ingenuity, and supports initiatives of basic, clinical, and population-based research to develop innovative solutions that prevent, treat, or, in some way, address the diseases that are treated by otolaryngologists, audiologists, or speech language pathologists.