You can make a donation using our secure online giving form or search our gift guide to find the specific area you'd like to support.
Where can I send my gift?
Office of Institutional Advancement
Department 825434
P.O. Box 71331
Philadelphia, PA 19176-1331
To whom should I make out my check?
Checks should be made out to Jefferson. Please note on the memo line the specific program you would like to support.
Will I receive a tax receipt when I make a donation?
Yes, all donors receive an acknowledgment receipt or letter.
I am a faculty or staff member and wish to donate via payroll deduction. How can I do that?
If you are a Jefferson faculty or staff member, you can make a gift through your paycheck. By signing up for payroll deduction through Workday, you can choose the amount to have automatically deducted from your paycheck. Please refer to our step-by-step guide to Payroll Deduction for additional assistance.
I would like to transfer stock to Jefferson. How can I do that?
Email Sarah Niebauer at with your name, contact information, stock name, and number of shares. We will provide you with instructions for your broker.
How can I contact the Office of Institutional Advancement?
If you have other questions about giving, please call 1-877-JEFF-GIFT (1-877-533-3443) or contact us here.
The official registration and financial information of Thomas Jefferson University may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free (within Pennsylvania) 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Where can I view state nonprofit disclosures?
Certain states require written disclosures for nonprofit organizations soliciting contributions.
Is Jefferson an EITC organization?
Yes, Jefferson is an Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) organization.