Honorary & Memorial Gifts
Honor a Loved One
Making a gift to Jefferson is a wonderful and meaningful way to honor an individual or group, commemorate a special occasion, or memorialize a loved one. Your tribute gift directly helps Jefferson make advancements in education, research, patient care, and more.
You can make your honorary or memorial tribute gift online, by mail, or over the phone at 1-877-JEFF-GIFT (1-877-533-3443). Mail checks, payable to Thomas Jefferson University or Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, to:
Office of Institutional Advancement
Department 825434
P.O. Box 71331
Philadelphia, PA 19176-1331

Honorary Gifts
If you would like to make a gift to Jefferson in honor of a friend, loved one, or a Jefferson physician or healthcare professional, we will notify them of your generous gift. Please provide the name and address of whomever you would like us to notify on the donation form below. The amount of your gift will remain confidential.

Memorial Gifts
If you would like to make a gift to Jefferson in memory of a friend or a loved one, we will send a note to their spouse, child, or their family acknowledging your generous gift. Please provide the name and address of whomever you would like us to notify on the donation form below. The amount of your gift will remain confidential.
Obituary Information
If you would like to direct gifts to Jefferson in an obituary, here is some suggested memorial gift language:
- In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of _______ may be made in support of _________ at Jefferson. Please make checks payable to “Jefferson” and mail to: Jefferson, Office of Institutional Advancement, Department 825434, P.O. Box 71331, Philadelphia, PA 19176-1331, or donate online at [URL].
- The family of ________ requests that memorial gifts be designated for __________ at Jefferson. Memorial gifts can be made online at [URL] or mailed to: Jefferson, Office of Institutional Advancement, Department 825434, P.O. Box 71331, Philadelphia, PA 19176-1331.
If you have designated gifts to Jefferson in memory of your loved one, please let us know. Include the name and mailing address of whomever you would like us to notify regarding memorial gifts, and indicate if you prefer to receive gift notifications by email.
For additional questions or assistance, please contact Owen Blemlek, Assistant Director, Annual Giving, at AnnualGiving@jefferson.edu or 215-955-8744.
Thank you for your thoughtful support of Jefferson.