Bruce and Judi Goodman have a keen appreciation for design. Architectural design. Landscape design. Interior design. And the design of successful organizations.
It is their admiration for the latter, they say, that has helped inspire their charitable support for Abington Memorial Hospital.
"This is a phenomenal hospital," says Bruce, a member of the AMH Foundation Board and owner of Goodman Properties, a leading developer of commercial properties. "I've been very impressed with how well Abington is run, and by the tremendously loyal group of people who have been associated with it, generation after generation."
Recently, the Goodmans' support for the hospital rose to a new level.For many years they have made generous annual gifts, and during the hospital's Building on the Best campaign to build the Lenfest Pavilion they made a major, multi-year pledge.
But their most recent gift, established through their estate planning, has made the Goodmans the newest members of the hospital's most elite group of donors: the Million Dollar Roundtable.
"It's important to do whatever you can to support such a good hospital," says Bruce.
The Goodmans focus their generosity on a small group of organizations that hold personal meaning for them and have a significant impact in the community. In addition to their support for Abington Memorial Hospital, they have been involved for many years with the Madlyn & Leonard Abramson Center for Jewish Life, where Bruce serves on the board. Both have also served at different times on the board of Germantown Academy, where all three of their children attended school and where Judi is currently a board member and a co-chair of the development committee.
In fact, says Judi, it was back when their children were attending Germantown Academy that she and Bruce began to recognize their appreciation for Abington Memorial Hospital.
"When the kids were little," she recalls, "the school would ask what hospital to use in case of an emergency. That was long before we had any involvement with Abington Hospital, and we had a lot of hospitals to choose from. But we always told them Abington."
Today, their three children have grown into young adults of wide-ranging interests and accomplishments: one son is in law school, another works at Goodman Properties with his father and their daughter runs her own nonprofit organization as a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.