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SKMC Student Spotlight: Anish Basavalingiah

"I'm really becoming a doctor. I'm really learning about the things I've always wanted to learn about."

First-year Sidney Kimmel Medical College student Anish Basavalingiah’s path has been paved by creativity and problem solving.

The Michigan native likes to take a hands-on approach in his creative pursuits, like making clothing and other physical objects. But it’s marrying that approach and his fascination with the human brain that led him to the Scholarly Inquiry Design (DES) track at Jefferson. The Design track teaches design thinking and creative problem-solving methods to equip the next generation of doctors with the skills and confidence to transform healthcare systems, services, spaces, and devices.

“I realized that the SI Design track within Jefferson was built around that whole ideology of curating an experience for the medical students that ran side by side with their medical curriculum,” Anish said. “To me, that felt like the perfect fit being that I was a bit creative and knew I wanted to apply that creativity within medicine.”

Learn more about Anish and his first year as a medical student in this SKMC Student Spotlight.

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