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Match Day 2019

Electricity hung in the air—a mixture of excitement and nervous energy—on March 15, 2019, as more than 200 medical students flooded into the Hamilton Building. On the third Friday of March each year, medical students across the nation find out where they’ve matched, and at what hospital they’ll be spending the next three to seven years training and learning. Students open their envelopes together at noon and find out what the future holds in store for them.

This year, 211 SKMC students matched with programs throughout the country. Many students matched with programs within Pennsylvania—81 are staying in the state, with 63 of them matching at Jefferson. We’re also proud to announce that 13 students matched into ophthalmology programs—a record high among medical schools nationwide!

“Today is really a culmination of the incredibly hard work that we’ve all put in over the past four years,” says Jordyn Tumas, who matched into the OB/GYN program at Icahn School of Medicine at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt. “It’s surreal, it’s a lot of different emotions all at once, and it’s been a very long-awaited day.”