About Us
The Women’s Board traditionally sustains approximately 50 active members, as well as highly valued Honorary, Affiliate, Associate, and Sustaining members. We meet on the third Tuesday of each month, September through June, and host over 10 successful fundraising events each year, ranging from the Spring Celebration/Gala to our three-day June Fete Fair and Horse & Pony Show. The talents, leadership skills, creative thinking, time, and financial support of the Women’s Board members contribute to the overall success of the organization.
2024-2025 Women’s Board Officers
President: Deborah Gates
First Vice President: Molly Costigan
Second Vice President/AEC Chair: Andrea Sullivan
Vice AEC Chair: Angela Epperson
Secretary: Judy Acker
Treasurer: Dawn Salmon
About Our Auxiliaries
The Auxiliaries are an active and strong support group for the Women’s Board and hospital with 200+ members of all ages, backgrounds and interests who raise over $60,000 each year to benefit targeted giving programs at Jefferson Abington and Jefferson Lansdale Hospitals.
Get Involved
Tell us about yourself! We are always looking for talented women in search of ways to support and give back to their community.
100 Years of Service
We are proud of the rich contributions the AHF Women’s Board has brought to the community throughout its more than 100-year history. The Women’s Board as we know it was formed in 1913. Our first fundraising event generated the seed money to purchase linens and necessary equipment for a new hospital, which opened its doors in 1914. Since that time, our mission has not wavered. We continue to provide funds for specialized equipment, healthcare education, physical building campaigns, and hospital programs of Jefferson Health – Abington.
To inquire about how you, your business, or your family can support the AHF Women’s Board, please call the office at 215-481-2500 or email ahf-womensboard@jefferson.edu.