The Pinizzotto-Ammon Alumni Center is located on the 2nd floor of Alumni Hall. Various naming opportunities are available throughout the Center. A portion of each gift will help establish an endowment fund for maintenance and programming, and will support the Alumni Center Scholarship Fund, benefitting students for years to come.
Contact Lisa Repko at 215-955-0437 or lisa.repko@jefferson.edu for more information.
Courtyard Lounge & Courtyard
Main Reception Area
Conference Room
Founder Desk Display
Doctor’s Bag Display
Thomas Jefferson University Mace
Medical College Alumni Register
WWII Display
Registration Desk
Alumni Art Gallery
Jefferson Archival Display Cases
Alumni Legacy Wall
Prominently located at the entrance to the Pinizzotto-Ammon Alumni Center, the Alumni Legacy Wall provides a stunning, lasting tribute to the alumni and legacy families who have contributed to the Center.
Marie E. Pinizzotto, MD '88, MBA and Carol A. Ammon, BSN '17, MBA
Marie E. Pinizzotto, MD '88, MBA and Carol A. Ammon, BSN '17, MBA have cemented their legacy at Jefferson with the lead gift to name the alumni center.
Through the Carol A. Ammon Foundation—a foundation focused on supporting healthcare, education and children with disabilities— Marie E. Pinizzotto, MD '88, MBA, and Carol A. Ammon, BSN '17, MBA, have provided support for nearly every area of Jefferson’s mission, from education to clinical care. Their gifts to Jefferson supported the creation of the Marie E. Pinizzotto, MD, MBA and Carol A. Ammon Fund for Foot and Ankle Research, and the Carol Ammons Scholar Fund, which enables Jefferson nurses to travel to conferences where they have the opportunity to enrich their clinical skills. Marie E. Pinizzotto, MD '88, MBA and Carol A. Ammon, BSN '17, MBA have now cemented their legacy at Jefferson with the lead gift to name the Alumni Center, an act of generosity that is sure to reshape the way our beloved institution engages with its alumni for years to come.
We take great pride in the pioneering work of our graduates, and we’re always eager to welcome them back to Jefferson. This center provides our alumni with something sorely needed in a rapidly expanding medical campus in the heart of the city—a quiet, comfortable space to call home during their visit.